Must-have Upgrades for Your Patio


Probably one of the few spaces considered for an upgrade is the backyard patio. For one, it’s not visible from the curb, so it doesn’t really affect curb appeal. Another reason is that there are other rooms and spaces in a house where one can be. However, these spaces don’t offer fresh air, nature, and all the gifts mother earth has to offer. This could be the most restorative rest taken midday yet.

Don’t worry if your patio is currently bare or has the most minimal furniture and the like. A blank canvas is easier to work with in this case. Get to know what you want out of the space. What are your goals? What do you want your patio to feel like? What do you want it to offer you?

To help you make these decisions, here are some additions to your patio that will upgrade it and make it the most occupied space at home.

Water-Repellent Cushion and Sofa Covers

A patio can have a roof or a tent over it, but that’s not enough to protect it from raindrops falling at different heights and angles. The rain can still get to your couch, cushions, and other furniture with foam, specifically when the wind blows sideways. This can be a headache to clean after unless you don’t mind. But if you care about preserving the quality of your furniture, get some water-repellent cushions and sofa covers. There are options on the market that you can choose from. Best get ones that can withstand weather changes.

Insulated Roof

If you don’t already have an insulated roof for the patio, it’s time you do. For one, it serves the basic function of protecting you and your patio from the weather, providing shade from the sun and shelter from the rain. It does this while it regulates the temperature of your patio space to save costs from energy consumption. Getting one with Just Patios can help you become a step closer to getting the patio upgrades you need.


Fire Pit

For chilly nights after a long stressful day, chilling in your backyard sounds homey and comfortable, doesn’t it? Elevate that experience by installing a fire pit. Fire pits aren’t recommended being installed on a covered patio because it inhibits smoke from escaping. But a fire pit is usually located near the patio, both of which are in the backyard. Having a warm fire on helps build a relaxing ambiance, making the patio even cozier. It’s great for when relaxing with friends and family, or by yourself.

LED Lights

For dinners on the patio, it’s important to have this space’s own lights installed. Getting some illumination for the patio is a no-brainer, but consider using LED lights to make the most of it. LED lighting provides brighter illumination, is money-saving, and is energy-saving. With the perks of LED lights, you might even want to consider switching your indoor lights for LED ones.

A Hammock or Hanging Chaise

It doesn’t take much to furnish a patio. A coffee table, a couch, a couple of chairs, or stools are a given. Why not get a fun addition like a hammock or a hanging chaise? Installing one on your patio adds variation and design to the layout. It won’t be like the typical patio everyone expects. Moreover, who doesn’t want to chill on a hammock on a cool Sunday afternoon? Maybe doze off after reading a book?


The thing about the backyard is that although it faces opposite the main road, it’s still exposed to some extent. There’s the occasion unwanted attention from neighbors. The space is great for relaxing, but it’s not as comfortable as one would hope. Hang canvas or any fabric of your choice, sort of like curtains. When needed, you can draw them easily to get that privacy. But on times when you want to bask in the sun, you can pull them aside. Other than the functionality of the curtains, they add charm to your patio too.

When redecoration or replanning a patio, the layout should always consider the homeowner’s goals, expectations, and needs. Maybe you want a space to unwind or a place to chill in your free time. Whatever the reason, a patio can be that for you. With proper planning and clear goals, your patio can get the upgrade it needs to upgrade your free time even more.

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