Can You Stop Mold from Spreading?

Wall mold

Mold can grow anywhere, especially in the basement. It can thrive in places where it can find oxygen, moisture, or any other organic material placed in damp and humid areas. That is why it is no surprise that this type of fungus finds the basement to be the perfect spot to spread.

Mold found in the basement is often a result of an unfixed moisture source inside your home. It can be a result of a leaky foundation or condensation from any of your appliances that use water. Depending on the extent of your problem, you may need to ask a professional to manage the problem. There are cases where black mold growth is too toxic that expert care is a must.

Preventing mold growth

To prevent mold growth, you should first understand the factors that it needs to thrive. Mold spores can come into any openings and flow continually through the air. Although it shouldn’t be a cause of alarm at first, problems can persist once it starts to grow. For mold to grow into colonies, it needs to have access to three major things: food, the right temperature, and moisture. These spores will only thrive if it reaches 32 degrees Fahrenheit and above.

Having an exceptional basement finishing in your home in Salt Lake City can help. But it’s not the only factor that you should consider. It’s a must to control these factors to prevent them from infesting your house. One way to avoid mold growth is by controlling the moisture within. Although you can’t get rid of the moisture from the surrounding air entirely, you can always control water intrusion.

Proper water management

Water dropThe most crucial part of effective water management is letting the water flow away from the house. One way to do this is by installing an effective drainage system. You should ensure that nothing is flat or slopes toward your house’s interior. If you’re assessing your home’s safety against water intrusion, you need to carefully look at the water path as it moves away from your house’s exterior.

Check the drainage plan’s condition and see if it needs any fixing. You should provide enough coverage at the corners and use proper flashing to ensure that it works the way that it should. You should also check the shingling for any rusts. It’s an essential aspect of your house’s water management as it drains the rainwater away from your home’s exterior. Your flashing should also be high and wide enough to let the water flow away from your home’s roofs.

To manage water flow correctly, you need to envision the water as it moves away from your home’s surfaces. Doing so will help you develop effective strategies that can provide your house with proper drainage. These are only some of the things that you can do to control mold growth inside your home. Remember to get your basement finishing completed before anything else. Doing so will spare you of all the mold growth that can come with an unfinished basement.

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