How To Start Sports-related Businesses & Capitalize on Active Adults

focus on a baseball player about to throw the ball into the other player in an arena
  • Identify a niche in the sports and wellness industry that meets unmet consumer needs. 
  • Create a comprehensive business plan that includes marketing, financing, and operations strategy. 
  • Offer personal training or build basketball courts for active adults looking to improve their physical health. 
  • Manage customer relationships by providing excellent customer service and offering discounts or incentives. 
  • Become involved with your local community by sponsoring events, donating products to non-profits, or supporting charities.

If there is one thing that the past few years have shown people, it is that many are investing more time, effort, and money in their physical and emotional health. From running, swimming, weight lifting, yoga, and other physical activities, it is clear that sports and wellness are becoming more and more critical to the general public. As an entrepreneur, it is wise to pay attention to these trends and find ways to capitalize on them. Here are some actionable steps you can take to start sports-related businesses that cater to active adults.

Find the Right Niche

The first and most important step toward starting a sports-related business is to identify the right niche. This means taking a deeper look at the market and figuring out what exactly people are willing to spend their money on. To do this, you will need to conduct market research, create buyer personas, and identify consumer needs that are being underserved. Keep in mind that the best niche is not necessarily the one that is most popular but the one that you can competently and sustainably serve. Here are potential niches to choose from:


Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world and, as such, offers an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs to capitalize on active adults looking to stay fit and have fun. There are several ways to get involved in this market, such as by building full-sized basketball courts with accompanying infrastructure or by offering personal training services to help players.

If you go the first route, partner with an experienced basketball court builder who specializes in the design and construction of basketball courts. They are knowledgeable about all aspects of the process, from selecting suitable materials to assembling the components and building a safe and robust playing surface.

Personal Trainer

With advanced certifications, you can offer personal training sessions to individuals or groups who are looking for guidance and support in achieving their fitness goals. As a personal trainer, you will need to be knowledgeable about the latest workout trends and have an understanding of nutrition as well. You can also consider offering online coaching programs for those who prefer virtual sessions.

Equipment Retailer

If you are passionate about sports and have a good understanding of the industry, then opening an online store selling sporting goods can be a great way to capitalize on active adults. You can choose to specialize in one sport or offer a wide range of products from various categories, including gear for running, cycling, swimming, and more. Make sure to follow the latest trends in the industry and stock your store with high-quality products.

businessman circling people icons in red representing niche

Create a Solid Business Plan

With a niche in mind, the next step is to create a solid business plan. This plan should take into account all the essential aspects of your business, including finances, marketing, logistics, and human resources. You will need to articulate your overall business goals, identify your target market, create a budget, and determine your pricing strategy. With a comprehensive business plan in place, you will have a better chance of success. Here’s a rundown of its essential aspects:

Marketing Strategy

A well-thought-out marketing strategy is essential for any business looking to grow. You will need to identify the most effective channels and platforms for your target audience, craft compelling messaging that resonates with them, and create engaging content that drives brand awareness. It is also important to set measurable goals so you can track and measure the success of your campaigns.


In addition to your own resources, you will need to consider alternate options for financing your business. One option is to apply for grants or loans from the government, private organizations, or banks. You can also look into crowdfunding opportunities if that is something you are interested in pursuing.

Operations Management

This involves setting up processes and systems for running your business efficiently. This could include everything from having a set of standard operating procedures to outsourcing specific tasks. It is also essential to be mindful of compliance requirements and stay up-to-date with the latest regulations in your industry.

business meeting with board members discussing parts of the business plan

Build a Strong Community

The success of a sports-related business is primarily determined by the loyalty and satisfaction of its customer base. Creating a solid community around your business is, therefore, critical to your success.

This means fostering positive relationships with your customers, providing excellent customer service, and creating an inclusive and welcoming environment. For example, you can start a customer loyalty program, organize events or meetups for your target audience, and offer discounts or other incentives.

If possible, you should also get involved in your local community. Supporting local charities, sponsoring events, or donating products to non-profits can be a great way to build goodwill and generate positive publicity for your business.

The sports and wellness industry offers excellent opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to capitalize on the growing demand for active adult products and services. Starting a sports-related business is not easy, but by following the steps outlined, you can put yourself in an excellent position to succeed. Remember to focus on your niche, create a solid business plan, build a strong community, and always be persistent and flexible in your efforts. With these tips and a little bit of luck, your sports-related business could be the next big thing in the industry.

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