The Right Place to Get Fit: Creating or Upgrading a Home Gym

treadmill at home

When you are hoping to be fit, there is no better investment than having your home gym. You might already have one. But if you want to get into the mood of exercising, it needs to be more than an empty space. Here are some tips on building or upgrading your own home gym space:

Ensuring Space

No one wants to work out in a closet. If you look at any of the gym franchises out there, they always offer wide-open spaces for their customers to work out in. That should be your aim, too. A room dedicated to working out is ideal but this is not always possible. At the very least, you should have enough space to do some classic exercises like push-ups, squats, and lunges.

You can always choose to expand a room or create a shed in the backyard that is dedicated to working out. The key here is to work with what you have and maximize the results.

Nice Equipment

While it is possible to exercise with only body weight exercises, it can get boring quickly. If you want to stay in the mood for exercising, then get some essential equipment in your home gym. It doesn’t have to be expensive. You can simply pick up some weights to add a bit more strength training to your exercises.

Additionally, installing a pull-up bar can be a good move since it lets you work out your back muscles. If you have the budget, then you can get some fancy exercises equipment like stationary bikes or treadmills.

Better Flooring

Another thing you often see at a commercial gym is that it has some good floors. Considering the amount of punishment that they go through, a dependable floor can be a smart move. It can also be easier on your feet. Instead of impacting on bare concrete, it can be nice to have a soft floor to absorb your landing.

Besides that, some fitness regimens work better with alternate floors. For example, if you like dancing or do martial arts, then installing hardwood flooring can be a good investment since it works well with those exercises.

Good Ventilation

Good air and effective exercise are linked together. Clean air in your lungs allows you to perform better and is healthier. This can be a problem if your home gym doesn’t have good ventilation. While you might be safe from air pollution inside, the stagnant air can make working out uncomfortable. Your increased sweat will also contribute to room humidity.

Without a way to cycle in the fresh air, the room would become hotter and a bad place to exercise. Installing a good ventilation fan will ensure that you will always have fresh air moving in and bad air cycling out at all times.

Improved Lighting

It may seem that you can work out under any form of lighting, but they can affect your performance. Commercial gyms always have clear lights to better energize the customers and you need to follow that example. The best light to use would be a bulb that is within the range of 2200 Kelvin and 6500 Kelvin. Natural sunlight is 5500 Kelvin so the light would feel all-natural.

Depending on what you want to do, then the range is up to you. Cooler lighting is to gives more energy while the warmer light can help with cool-down times.

Don’t Forget The Mirror

Installing a full-length mirror may seem like vanity but there is an important purpose to it. For one, it adds a bit more light to the room. The large mirror can be a great way to spread out some light from outside or the ceiling. Besides that, a mirror is an ideal partner for the lone person exercising. The problem with working out on your own is that you don’t have someone checking your mistakes.

With a mirror, you would be able to identify how exactly you are exercising and whether you are making mistakes. It allows you to improve your exercises so that you can get better results.

Having a great home gym is a nice investment in your house. For one, it ensures that you have a great place to exercise, no matter what the circumstance. Even if you are locked down at home, you can still ensure that you have space to get fit and work out some tension. It is also a good way to increase the value of your house. Potential home buyers would be interested in a home gym and it can pay off in the long run.

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