3 Easy Ways to Improve Office Productivity

Workers collaborating

Employee productivity is essential to every workplace. In 2017, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) took a look at productivity levels of employees in the United States. They found out that just 63 percent of employees agree their offices enable them to be productive at work, with physical workplace seen as a key factor for employees’ productivity. According to Gallup’s State of the Local Workplace report, businesses lose $7 trillion in lost productivity.

The computers, the work tables and the chairs are instrumental to the entire business process. The office is a reflection of one’s business. Employees must be given top-notch equipment ; to perform at their best. Consider these adjustments to improve office productivity.

1. Ergonomic furniture

Ergonomics is the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment. Employers can provide their employees with office equipment that follow ergonomics’ standards.
Computer users should ideally maintain a 90-degree elbow angle, while keeping their wrists straight. Their upper arms should remain close to their bodies. Chairs must allow users to sit straight, with their thighs parallel to the floor. Desks should provide users ample leg room. Tables should be big enough to carry essential office tools, but not too big, which would make things hard to reach.
Make sure to set enough money aside for a furniture upgrade. If you’re budget is limited, consider contemporary preowned office furniture. This way, you redo the office without breaking the bank.

2. Adjust office temperature


Blankets and sweaters are a common sight in many offices. Many offices adjust their room temperature to cut energy cost. Research found that room temperature has an effect on productivity, especially for female employees. Women have less body fat than men, so women are more susceptible to cold than men. Alternatively, it was found men hate working in warm temperatures.
According to a study conducted at the USC Marshall School of Business, women performed better at room temperatures between 70 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Men performed better when room temperature was set below 70 degrees. Associate Prof. Tom Chang, the study’s main author, suggested for offices to settle for 75 degrees.

3. Update existing software

New software can enhance productivity because it usually has better user interface, allowing for better processes. Outdated software products are not only prone to slowdowns, but to viruses and data breaches. Outdated software may lack the security updates that newer versions have, and give hackers a back door to your system.
When Microsoft announced in 2014 they will discontinue updating its Windows XP system, it meant the end of XP’s security updates and support services. Meaning computers still using Windows XP may become more vulnerable to viruses.
Try to see if the money lost in software-related issues is more expensive than just doing an update. Outdated systems can pose a lot of vulnerabilities, and choosing not to update can be dangerous.
Professor Chang said employers invest a lot to ensure their workers are comfortable and highly productive. Whether it may be a complete makeover or just a simple change in the thermostat, improving work spaces will mean improving employee productivity.

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